Homeowners are aware that roof leaks could potentially lead to costly damages if not immediately discovered and remedied. A simple hole in the roof, as commonly depicted in movies, may not always be the reason behind such leaks, as there are other contributing factors on why roof leaks may occur.
Proven Contracting and most roofing contractors would agree upon, roof leaks are caused by various factors, which includes but not limited to age or deterioration of roofing materials, improperly sealed roof vents, shallow roof slope, a buildup of debris, excess moisture, and so much more.
The common reasons for a leaking roof as highlighted above, if left unattended will surely start a huge problem. If left unchecked, this will not only result in the necessity of a roof repair but it could also lead to a wide range of damages around and under your roof.
Damages may not only be limited to structural damages but could also affect home contents such as your computers, televisions, and other appliances. Similarly, the threat of mold and insect infestations may likewise occur it roof leaks will not be determined as soon as it starts.
To serve as your guide in finding roof leaks and its causes, below are some of the helpful tips you may apply at home or even in a workplace.
There are leaks from the roof that are not easily determined or noticed by most homeowners, which is why extra effort is needed when searching for a roof leak. With the help of a flashlight, homeowners should check their attic or their ceiling’s crawl spaces shortly after a heavy rain, where traces or even actual leaking may still be present. In the absence a heavy downpour, homeowners may substitute water from a garden hose to somehow recreate a rainfall.
Another indicator of roof leaks is the water stains on the ceiling or roof decking. By simply following such traces of leaks, you will be able to find its source, be it a hole, buildup of debris, or failing insulation.
Check For Wet Spots
Another method of determining a roof leak is by checking some wet spots in at home. Wet spots often times manifest on the ceiling, leading either to discoloration or sagging. By exploring the portion of where wet spots may be located, you can easily trace the source of the roof leaks.
Additional Places To Check
If by chance your home does not have any crawl spaces or attic, roof leaks could still be found in other areas on the roof such as ridge cap, flashing, gaskets around pipes, shingles, gutters, downspouts, or on the rubber seals that are around the electric service and plumbing vent pipes, air vents, and exhaust fan flashing, known as boots.
The ones outlined above are some of the methods and areas on where you may find the source of roof leaks. Determining leaks from the roof is essential in securing both home contents and structure. However, if such task is quite difficult to perform, calling an expert roofing contractor will surely help. With their equipment, skills, and experience, Proven Contracting – your local New Jersey roofer , will easily be resolved.
If you don not have the time or are unfamiliar with the roofing terms, you can give Proven Contracting a call and we can help with inspecting your home for rook leaks.
Click the following links to learn more about:
Roofing in Bridgewater
Roofing in Long Valley
Roofing in Randolph
Thank you for reading and feel free to visit any of our locations in NJ for all your roofing needs:
Proven Contracting of Bridgewater
Proven Contracting of Long Valley
Proven Contracting of Randolph
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