Most individuals who are not well-versed with windows and exterior design might think that windows are more aesthetic rather than functional, but windows do have some very important uses that can lengthen the lifespan of your house. One important function that it does is that it forms a barrier against rain, snow, and even hail. Moreover, it is a good way of keeping unwanted moisture away from your house’s interiors which might turn into molds, mildews, and mosses.
Additionally, windows can help keep your electric bills low from your HVAC equipment by also keeping your house cool during warmer seasons and retaining heat on colder seasons.
Of course, windows also do encounter problems and over time, they will deteriorate if not taken care of properly. Being one of the more delicate passageways towards your house means that they are susceptible to many outward forces such as strong winds and even certain solid objects like branches and birds trying to force themselves into your home. Damaged windows are known to exhibit the following symptoms when damaged:
The noise that these windows will produce coupled with unwanted temperatures penetrating your house’s interiors can lead to more uncomfortable living conditions and will be a detriment to your house’s overall monetary value.
The best solution to damaged windows is to replace them with replacement windows which are comprised of different styles, glasses, materials, and sizes. The two most common materials are made out of synthetic vinyl materials and sturdy wood. Of course, both of these materials have their own benefits but they also do have their own disadvantages.
Before we make any rational decisions on what to use, let us first weigh in on the pros and cons of each of these materials.
If you’re looking for a classic and rusting look over a more modern one, then wooden windows are definitely right up your alley. Wood windows have been used in homes and historical sites around the world for centuries and they are still widely used today in new homes. Of course, wood windows are not made out of a single wood and are made out of different species of trees which are usually mahogany, cedar, oak, and exotic forms of wood. Since these windows are made up of different materials, this will give it different durability, tensile strength, flexibility, and weight.
Homeowners have to keep into account on what wood is being used for their windows before installing and replacing older windows. The architectural style of your home is another factor that has to be part of your planning phase because your windows have to harmonize with your home’s color scheme.
The texture of wooden windows means that it can be easily painted or stained with colors of your preference. In some cases, homeowners will also choose to place metal and vinyl cladding on their wooden windows to keep maintenance easy and low.
Synthetic vinyl windows tend to have fewer options on how you can customize their appearance. The texture of vinyl windows is smooth which makes it harder for the paint to seep into the material’s grain. Moreover, vinyl will easily collect grime as time goes on.
Vinyl windows are designed to be simpler and easier to install any other types of windows. With that said, vinyl windows are designed to pop in and out of the house’s exterior. On the other hand, wood windows will take more time and effort to fastened securely to your house’s framework. If you’re not experienced with fastening windows, then it is recommended that you hire an experienced worker to install and fasten windows for you.
Of course, wooden windows will last you decades, especially if you use the right material that’s processed from known species of trees like cedar. Having a thin layer of paint can also help increase the durability of wooden windows since it will provide a barrier against water seeping towards the grain of the wood that can accelerate rotting and molds.
Vinyl windows, on the other hand, don’t have the same amount of durability as wooden windows but makes up for it by being low-maintenance. If you’re living in a warmer climate, you have to keep an eye out on your vinyl windows since direct sunlight can easily warp and crack your vinyl windows if exposed to constant amounts of sunlight.
It is widely known that wood burns more easily than any other material in the market, this makes wooden windows highly vulnerable to combustion. Since vinyl windows are made out of synthetic materials, fire does not burn or spread on it. However, once the temperature reaches 165º F the structure will begin to melt. Especially when exposed to direct sunlight.
Overall, wooden windows have considerably more advantages than vinyl windows but will also require constant maintenance and is vulnerable to fires. On the other hand, vinyl windows aren’t known for being durable and only has a limited amount of options of personalization to choose from, but is considered to be low-maintenance, cheap, and even fire-resistant.
The best way to make the most out of either type of window is to make sure that the window replacement Livingston NJ is done right. With the right team working on your home, you’re sure to get the most out of whichever material.
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